Pattern With Patsy
Pattern With Patsy

Pattern with Patsy

by Dr. Farooq A Wasil and Mala Mehra

Subject: Lines and Patterns

Grade: Nursery

Age Group: 3 — 4 years

ISBN: 9789383646500

Edition: 2024

245 220.5

About the book

“Like a candid photograph snapped in an unguarded moment, your handwriting can tell more about you than you think.”

Our book of writing skills ‘Patterns with Patsy’ contains basic strokes and pattern drawings designed to create a firm base for clear and proper formation of the letters of the English Alphabet later on.

The extensive exercises are deemed most important, as they are the basic framework of all letter formations. Further, the execution of stroke writing and pattern drawing has been simplified by providing dotted lines.

All patterns are meaningful. They strengthen the wrist and give confidence to the young learner. It will be noticed that, by the end of the first year the child will be capable of drawing simple landscapes and other related shapes besides being able to write the alphabet with confidence.